Yes, you can cancel your subscription from your Subscriptions page at any time with one click.

Security and safety is our top priority.

SkyDrive have a dedicated 24/24hrs team dedicated to security and security improvement, to secure access to personal data, using the latest encryption techniques that are among the highest standards.

  • Files are encrypted in transit and at rest using the AES standard (Advanced Encryption Standard), with 256 bits.
  • SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocol is implemented to protect the transfer of data.
  • Our servers are ISO 27001 certified, an internationally recognized standard for information security.
  • A 24/7 dedicated support team is available for any further information or assistance.
  • Files are automatically deleted from the servers once the transfer has expired.

In addition an end-to-end encryption can be added, by using the password file protection you can protect your transfer (the password is only known by you!).

As well as, by choosing the expiry date of the transfer and/or the maximum number of downloads allowed per transfer, you can add an additional layer of security to your transfer

Contact us with your questions and we'll do our best to help.

SkyDrive is the easiest way to send your files around the globe. Share large files, photos and videos up to 30GB for free. File sharing made easy!

The Free PRO version offers 30GB of total file upload.

While for the normal version, 5GB are available for Free.

When the files are uploaded and completed, the shareable link will be created automatically inside the main card. Just click on it or click on the copy button to copy it, and then share it wherever you want.

The default expiry date of the transfer is 7 days.

With SkyDrive Pro, the expiry date of the transfer can be customized between 1 day and 30 days.

For signed in users, files or transfer can be deleted from the dashboard menu.

For non-signed in users, when they sign up and then sign in, the transfer will appear in the dashboard menu and can be deleted.

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